Discipline Toaster & Kettle design

Size Toaster-150*70*165 mm (HxWxD)

Kettle-110*100*260mm (HxWxD)

Material Ceramic, Metal

ANTI Throw-Away Mentality


According to research, there are approximately 74 electrical devices, such as kettles, hair dryers, etc., in the average household.

However, these devices are often discarded when they break, get dirty, or become outdated. The main reason for this phenomenon is the use of cheap materials and non-repairable constructions, making it difficult or impossible to fix products. As a result, consumers have weaker emotional connections with their belongings. The constant change in design trends further exacerbates this issue.

Kettles and toasters are two of the most commonly used household appliances.

modern toaster deconstruction

case + switch + heating element (toaster/kettle)

The primary function of a toaster/kettle is to heat toast/water. The more functions they have, the more prone they are to sensitivity issues, leading to earlier disposal.

Prioritizing simplicity in both function and structure, they will include only a casing, a switch, a heating element, and a cable, aiming to counteract the throw-away mentality, making it easier for users to understand how the object works and reducing the effort required for repair.

Industrial ceramics can be shaped using casting techniques, and thanks to their exceptional electrical and thermal insulating properties, they can replace conventional fixtures and other components within traditional toasters and kettles. This simplification of the structure results in enhanced efficiency and durability.